Multi-app functionality enables Keepit to leverage multiple app registrations within your Entra tenant, optimizing backup processes, especially for Teams Chats.

As part of the multi-app setup process, an Administrator with Application Administrator or Global Administrator permissions within your organization must create an App Registration through the Microsoft Entra admin center 

I. Create an app registration in Entra ID

  1. Go to the Entra Portal.
  2. Navigate to App Registrations under Applications in the left-hand menu.
  3. In the toolbar, click New registration.
  4. Enter a display name, such as "Keepit Teams Chat Backup."
  5. Select Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Microsoft Entra ID tenant - Multitenant).
  6. Click Register.
  7. Copy the Application (client) ID for later use.

II. Add platform and URIs to app registration

  1. In the app registrations' left-hand menu, go to Authentication. 
  2. Click Add a platform and select Web.
  3. Enter the following URL using your environment's hostname (refer to the list below): https://<hostname>/desktop/connector/restore/auth (for example,
    Note: Additional redirect URIs will be added to the app registration's web platform after the app registration is created. 
  4. Select Access tokens (used for implicit flows).
  5. Click Configure.
  6. Click Add URIsand, one at a time, enter the following URLs using your environment's hostname (refer to the list below):
    1. https://<hostname>/desktop/connector/restore/auth
    2. https://<hostname>/desktop/connector/create
    3. https://<hostname>/desktop/connector/reauth
      Note: These will be added to your app registration as Redirect URIs.
  7. Click Save.

III. Upload certificate

  1. In the app registrations' left-hand menu, go to Certificates & secrets
  2. Select the Certificates tab and click Upload certificate.
  3. Upload your certificate and click Add

Note: To create a certificate, refer to Microsoft's article.

IV. Add Permissions to the app registration

  1. In the app registrations' left-hand menu, go to API Permissions
  2. Click Add a permission. and select Microsoft Graph.
  3. Click Application permissions and add the following permissions:
    1. ChannelMessage.Read.All 
    2. Chat.Read.All 
    3. Directory.Read.All 
    4. TeamsTab.Read.All 
    5. User.Read.All
  4. Select Delegated permissionsand add the following permission: 
    1. User.Read 
  5. Click Add permissions to save.

Environment hostnames
Denmark (Copenhagen):
United States (Washington, DC):
Australia (Sydney):
United Kingdom (London):
Germany (Frankfurt):
Canada (Toronto):
Switzerland (Zurich):